COR Life Development Program Partner Image
Did you know that it costs our organization approximately $1,300 for a woman to go through our COR Life Development program each month?

The original story of The Well was grounded in building relationships, mentoring and  sharing life. Today, these same principles remain as our foundation. We have added many trainings and skill-building programs that help a woman to rebuild her life:  workforce development, financial training, family coaching, spiritual development and more.  Mentees meet weekly with one of our Social Workers, attend classes and as well as groups. If we don’t offer it, we will connect a woman to what she needs, including rehabilitative and psychiatric help, housing, and other services.  We are committed to a holistic approach.

Our flagship program - COR Life Mentorship Program - connects a woman to a long-term mentor who walks with her, loves her, listens to her, helps connects her to what she needs, and learns from her.

COR Life Development Program Partner

Item #25


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